We are delighted to announce that Into Music will now feature the mighty fine tunes featured on Mark and Gary’s Postcards From The Underground shows which can also be heard every Sunday from 8pm to 10pm on Cumbernauld FM 106.8FM
On their latest show, Mark and Gary focus on the vibrant and flourishing music scene currently coming out of Wales picking a playlist predominately made of tracks with Welsh language. Opening with recent Welsh Music Prize Winners Adwaith along with tracks from Super Furry Animals, Kim Hon, She’s Got Spies, Papur Wal along with some older tracks by SFA and Gorky’s. How many shows have you listened to which give exposure to what is happening on the Welsh music scene? Nope? Us too.
PFTU have their own page on our website which features links to every show from 2020 so far.
Click here for some background on Mark and Gary and links to the 2020 shows: Postcards From The Underground
Mark and Gary’s latest show…
Twitter: @PostcardsFTU
Facebook: postcardsfromtheunderground
Website: postcardsfromtheunderground.com