Wednesday, 16 October, 2024 in Live Reviews, Music

Into Live Music Review: The Courettes

Artist: The Courettes 
Venue: Glasgow Room 2
Dates: 02 October 2024

It’s strange but there is definitely a warmth, an understanding, a mutual love between The Courettes and Scotland. So how did this happen I hear you ask? Well, the married couple that make up the band, Danish drummer Martin Couri and his Brazilian wife Flavia who leads on guitar and vocals have been coming to our shores for a few years now and know how to put on a show. Add in an expectation the band always matches – and usually surpasses – and you have the perfect Scottish night out.

Their influences are delved into and come across in early releases such as The Fabulous Courettes/Back In Mono which mines 1960s garage, rock and roll through to punk, blending the likes of The Sonics and The Ramones effortlessly into sounds that give the ultimate aural pleasure.

The band were on the road promoting new album The Soul of – The Fabulous Courettes which, while true to their musical origins, is more cinematic in style, bringing in swirling synths, organ, bass and a whole load of other musical gadgetry. Think Wall of Sound harmonies, Motown, soul infections overlaid with punk rock attitude and you’ll not be far away.

Album opener You Woo Me was also the first song played on the night albeit with the vocal a little low in the mix. Maybe because Martin was pounding the drums so hard he was in danger of running out of steam by the end of the track. The fact is, that the intensity he brings to the drum stool is something I’ve not seen matched. Soon, the band’s sonic thrusts were enveloping the room.

Recent single California was aired early. Featuring La La Brooks of The Crystals fame on backing vocals, it’s a track that simply oozes class and surely a staple of The Courettes live set for years to come surely!

So the music hit the mark but aesthetically the band have that box ticked too and then some. Martin, with his suit, neck scarf and baker hat looks like the proverbial French (shouldn’t that be Danish, Ed?) beatnik poet while Flavia prowls the stage, the proverbial guitar slinger resplendent in a black and white dress and matching boots.

Of course, it’s difficult to pick a highlight but Misfits And Freaks was perhaps the one. Unsurprisingly dedicated to the misfits and freaks in the audience, low drums and gentle guitar with an isolated vocal pushed the track on before opening up into a doo wop Spector-esque thing of utter beauty. Sensational. Fan favourite Hop The Twig was intense, burning deep before a raucous encore brought the evening to a resounding climax.

It is evident that The Courettes are at the peak now, a band with a solid back catalogue and a new record that has them exploring new paths, making their own sound but happily wearing their influences on their sleeves. And of course, they deliver this on the live stage which for a two-piece band is extraordinary. Go buy the record, go seem them live, you won’t regret it. For more, visit their website here.    

John Welsh






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