It is fair to say that Into Creative like a gig, a concert, a show, an event, whatever you want to call it. A dark room. Will the band be on form? What will they play? The general buzz. The energetic chit chat of an expectant crowd, where to stand and get the best view, the pre-gig pint, the smells, the crowd, hipsters, freaks, drop-ins, drop-outs, young, old and in between. It all adds up to something that is impossible to bottle, impossible to repeat and it’s an experience unique to YOU. It’s bloody great, isn’t it?
Anyway, we’ve been out and about this past couple of weeks at some cracking shows so please read on to catch up on the best of those shows. We start with the wonderful She Drew The Gun
Concert: She Drew The Gun
Venue: Edinburgh Voodoo Rooms
Date: 23 February 2023
Billed as An Evening With She Drew The Gun, this was very much a laid back, chatty evening of songs and poems from the band’s Louisa Roache. The singer started off on her own, perched on a chair with her guitar with a 80s style lamp shade behind her, adding some retro cool light and giving the vibe of sitting in a front room listening to the singer-songwriter.
Songs such as Where I End And You Begin and Since You Were Not Mine come across powerfully despite the stripped back nature of the show. After a handful of songs, Roache is joined by bassist/keyboard player Anna Donigan and the banter between the two is quickly evident (and funny).
Aside from the songs, Roache performs a series of personal poems as well as one written by her mother about applying for a local housing grant and one by Marge Piercy, the well known American writer and activist.
In between, Roache also explains the stories and background to the songs, poems and her journey from singing Patsy Cline songs with her Nan, to fronting of the best and most politically charged bands in the U.K. right now.
A cover of The Mothers of Invention’s Trouble Every Day has the crowd mesmerized while Resistor, Something For The Pain and the closing Poem, showcase Roache’s own songwriting.
A truly compelling show and one that is different from the usual. More power to that! Keep up to date with She Drew The Gun via their website here.
John Welsh
