Wednesday, 23 February, 2022 in Music

Into Music Reviews: New Music February 2022

The snow is falling and up and down the country, Dudley and Eunice are creating havoc. But I’m soothed by the fact that there is an abundance of new music, bands and artists not gently knocking on the door, but kicking it down and marching in, creating a sonic storm of noise, tunes, melodies, harmonies and feedback. So get a brew on, sit back and enjoy these choice cuts brought to you courtesy of Into Creative.   

Artist: Out Of The Swim
Single: Tilt The Mirror

Out Of The Swim mark their return with the release of new single Tilt The Mirror ahead of new album Rescue Therapy which is due to drop on the Last Night From Glasgow label later in the year. The indie four piece from Falkirk/Glasgow are known for their collaborative approach and have previously recorded with the likes of Lara Hickli, Adam Stafford and Annie Booth. 


Tilt The Mirror is certainly comfortable in its own skin, combining elements of electronica, soulful beats and shades of rocksteady. The vocal reminds me a little of Paolo Nutini’s Iron Sky and the addition of Cello -courtesy of Susan Applebe – adds a great dimension. The track looks to a different future but also how a small change can influence or distort that outlook. It’s a great tune and bodes well for the album release which is scheduled for August. 

Keep up to date with Out Of The Swim at their website here


Artist: The Ninth Wave
Single: What Makes You A Man

It’s fair to say that The Ninth Wave are one of the most exciting bands to come out of the Scottish music scene in recent years. Known for their innovative, disconcerting, made-on-their-own-terms post-punk art, the group are back with a new album Heavy Like A Headache which is released on 11 March on Distiller Records. Early single What Makes You A Man is out already and is an absolute belter.  

With vocalist Millie Kidd’s breathy delivery complimenting the music exquisitely, the track is far from conventional. Feelings of claustrophobia, paranoia, loneliness and darkness are visited in the four minute track and that’s quite a thing for a song to achieve. A band at the top of their craft, the album will be promoted by a headline show at Glasgow QMU on Saturday 19 March – one not to miss.  

Keep up to date with The Ninth Wave via their website here.


Artist: Astrid
Single: Through The Darkness Of Your Life

I mentioned earlier about the crap February weather. Well forget about that. Put Astrid on and you’ll immediately be transported to 60s California, with the sun shining down and the waves splashing as the harmonies stream through a la The Byrds.

Astrid have been about since the late 90s and are back with a great track immersed in jangly guitars, melodies and simply, a pure dead brilliant vibe. That said, the subject matter of the track, Through The Darkness Of Your Life is quite black, covering the occult, supernatural powers and growing old. 

It’s a collaborative affair with Paul Quinn (Teenage Fanclub/Soup Dragons) on drums and James Clifford (Cosmic Rough Riders) on bass and is easily one of my top tracks of 2022 so far. The single is out now on No Big Deal records. 

To find out more about Astrid check out their website here


Artist: YOVA
Single: Haunted

YOVA are centred around Macedonian born vocalist Jova Radevska and musician Mark Vernon and a host of collaborative musicians including artists who have worked with the likes of John Cale, Nick Cave, Tim Burgess, Kate Bush and PJ Harvey. Those impressive CV’s come to the fore on the debut album Nine Lives which is out on 25th March and is showcased by the early single release Haunted, a beautifully crafted piece of art.  

The key here is the song is allowed to breathe with elements of space and silence which envelope the listener in a warm calmness, invoking feelings of serenity and solitude. Strings and piano showcase Radevska’s fragile vocal, the intricate sounds well crafted to produce a track on a spiritual plain which glides along effortlessly.    

Haunted is out now via Quatertone Recordings. You can follow YOVA via their website here


Artist: BAIT
Single: Drama Drama Drama Drama

BAIT pull no punches with new release Drama Drama Drama Drama (out now on Cool Thing Records). The noise merchants fuse a heady mix of industrial rock and roll with a smattering of electronic waves to produce a pulsating track laden with attitude.

Vocalist Michael Webster spits out the lyrics which covers the pandemic and the related anxieties it brought to the fore. With their debut album Sea Change in the can and due for release on 1st April, things are hotting up for the Southend based four piece band. 

Keep up to speed with all things BAIT via their Bandcamp page here


John Welsh




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