Into Music: Upcoming Gigs
I’ve said it before and I make no apologies for repeating it, but there is little to rival going to see a live show. Gigs

Brain Power and Alison McWhirter
Out of a potentially tragic situation, comes an amazing fundraiser centred around works of art. Alison McWhirter, arguably the most gifted artist among the younger

Get Back Part 1 Review – Grant McPhee
As a simple example of their huge longevity, it’s likely there are today now more Beatles fans who were born after their 1970 split than

INTO ART: Unknown Man by Ken Currie
A collaborative essay written by Loretta Mulholland and Ian Hume on Ken Currie’s portrait of forensic anthropologist, Dame Sue Black. We talked of this process

The Velvet Underground Myth? – Grant McPhee
One of the most repeated rock myths is that The Velvet Underground only sold a miniscule amount of records during their brief existence and that

INTO ART: Peter Thomson with Ken Currie
This interview mark the first of a series of articles from prominent Scottish artist, Peter Thomson, who, we are delighted to announce, will now be

Into Creative: What’s that all about, then?
Into Creative gives creatives a platform, from established artists to those emerging or still under the radar for most people. Into Creative also produces its

Help The Hug & Pint survive the Corona Crisis
The Hug and Pint is a cracking little venue on Great Western Road in Glasgow. I used to play football with Brian Reynolds who co-owns