The Newspaper Man by David Belcher
Published by: Into Books
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
Publication: May 2024
ISBN: 9781738514915
Tony Moscardini has exchanged life in a rain-lashed Scottish city packed with incident for the sun-baked predictability of a small medieval hilltop town in rural Italy.
He has given up onerous full-time employment in daily journalism and found fulfilment in photography and guerrilla film-making. More importantly, he has found what feels a lot like true love.
And yet, if he’s being honest with himself, life in Castel di Colonia has also begun to feel a little bit dull. So what will he find on his return to Glasgow for a weekend? Old foes? Long-forgotten disappointments? Fresh excitements? Overwhelming temptation?
Will the happier new Tony yield to his pessimistic former self?
“A truly Scottish story with an Italian soul. Eccellente!” – STUART COSGROVE
David Belcher
A international journalist with a reputation for gentle mocking and absurdist observations on Scottish life (Herald Diary) and a wealth of arts-based commentary on music, film, TV and theatre, David also indulges his love of music, particularly soul music, as a DJ. His writing has appeared in everything from the Sunday Post to Marxism Today; the Glasgow Herald to the Dundee Evening Telegraph; Architects’ Journal to the New Musical Express; the Radio Times to the Irish Weekly News.
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